Brick + Beam Detroit

Tile Roof Repair

Asked by letty at 6:04pm on Aug 15 2018

100 year old home with an original flat red ceramic tile roof,
Please share contractors that repair tile roofs. We want to keep this amazing feature but are having a nightmare of a time finding anyone that does this, that does not charge Harvard tuition rates. lol

Thank you


at 10:29am on Aug 21 2018

I absolutely LOVE Glyndon McDaniel (he's in the Brick + Beam contractor list under "roof") for roofing. He's so honest and professional and good at what he does. I do not know if he does tile roofs to be honest, but if he doesn't I would trust his recommendation for a roofer who does, if he has one. Great that you're keeping that awesome feature!

at 1:27pm on Aug 25 2018

Yes I must keep it.

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