Brick + Beam Detroit

Good demo help requested

Asked by Jessica Rose Frelinghuysen at 11:15pm on Apr 14 2017

Hi! I have a house in Hamtramck, and I was demo-ing a small kitchen tile floor on my own, actually four layers- tile, cement board, linoleum, ply...when I hurt my hand and can't do it any longer. I have a refinisher coming in two weeks and need to get it up and return it to the original 1920s Maple. Does anyone have a good demo guy? Short notice?
Thanks! All reliable fast workers welcome!


at 11:07am on Apr 15 2017

Yes. I have a guy on my small crew who can do it. I am a member here. I have 4 houses I am renovating and I have a good demo guy. What is your budget? Contact me at 9177140172
Larry Ritner

at 7:51am on Apr 17 2017

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