Brick + Beam Detroit

Does anyone know of a reliable air duct cleaner

Asked by George Corsetti at 6:34pm on Oct 23 2017

House was owned by a hoarder and needs a thorough cleaning of furnace air ducts and air returns. It seems there's a lot of fly by night con men in this biz. I'm looking for someone who will do a thorough job at a reasonable cost.


at 10:06am on Oct 24 2017

I can highly recommend Safety King for air duct cleaning. There phone number is 800-AIR-DUCT (800-247-3828). Have a wonderful day! :-)

at 1:19pm on Oct 24 2017

Amistee Duct Cleaning

at 9:32am on Nov 8 2017

Just a follow up on my original question. I called Safety King but they couldn't do it for a few weeks and I wanted it done sooner. Called Amistee and they said they didn't service Detroit. I pestered them a little and they agreed to do it. They do an adequate job and I was satisfied. Also there's a coupon on Angies list for $50 both both companies which helped on the cost -- around $500 for 1500 sq ft house but depends on the square footage of the premises. I recommend the deodorizing for $60 extra -- they say it kills spores, pet dander, pollen etc.

at 12:22pm on Nov 8 2017

I am glad that they were able to take care of your needs. Thanks for the follow up and details on your "more difficult" circumstances, George.

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