Brick + Beam Detroit

Do you need a project to to start working?

Asked by Denisse Acosta at 10:06am on Sep 14 2020

Do you need a project to start working?
I am a project manager that represents oversea investors that have more than 100 properties including single family homes, duplex, commercial building among others that need to be repaired. We are talking about distress properties that need to be putting back on the market to be rented to low-income residents. If you think you can repair one, two, three, or more of these properties at a time, please, text me (248) 729-3099 or email me at [email protected] and I will be in touch as soon as possible to give you more details.


at 9:08am on Sep 21 2020

Hi Denise,
Can you tell us more about the program? Are you looking to hire contractors to work on these rehabs? Who is the ideal person to "repair one, two, three, or more of these properties" There is not a lot of info about how your investment company works on your website.

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