Brick + Beam Detroit

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The Greening of Detroit's Landscape Services includes: Seasonal Lawn Mowing (weekly/bi-weekly), trimming and removal of shrubs and small trees, on residential and commercial properties within the City of Detroit. Employees are Detroit residents who have graduated from the organization's 8-week landscaping program. Additional services include: tree planting, landscape design and installation (incl. native plants, rain garden, shade gardens, pollinator gardens.)

Bi-weekly lawn mowing of a Detroit home. Commercial lawn equipment, includes edging, and weed whip as necessary. Clients can pay by check or credit card on a monthly basis, or as a season long package.

Detroit resident's overgrown landscape (Image 1 of 2)

Detroit resident's overgrown landscape (Image 2 of 2) All undesirable plants have been removed by hand, except for existing shrubs. The Client installed her own plants and is now on a mowing contract. (Please excuse poor photo quality!)

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