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Since 2000, experience in: Conservation-- museum objects, display objects, private collection care Restoration-- using traditionally correct materials to reglue, repair, color match, refinish and Finish Touch-up-- spot repair (nicks, dings, scratches, chew marks,) sheen adjustment, water rings Stringed Instrument Repair-- specializing in guitar restoration and custom instruments Faux Finishing-- the look of wood, where wood is impractical or replacement unjustified
Much of the Oak veneer was delaminating, questionably treated in an attempt to repair, or water damaged from a plumbing leak. Craig removed the replacement paper-backed veneer patches and modern adhesive, and replaced them with 100 year old veneer in the matching species to original, color matched, reglued loose veneer, adjusted sheen as necessary in accordance with American Institute of Conservation guidelines.
Much of the Oak veneer was delaminating, questionably treated in an attempt to repair, or water damaged from a plumbing leak. Craig removed the replacement paper-backed veneer patches and modern adhesive, and replaced them with 100 year old veneer in the matching species to original, color matched, reglued loose veneer, adjusted sheen as necessary in accordance with American Institute of Conservation guidelines.
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