Brick + Beam Detroit

Watch stories of home repair "hustle" from our April storytelling night!

Amy Elliott Bragg

Our April 22nd storytelling event, held in Assemble Sound's 19th-centry church currently under renovation, was so fun! Amy Haimerl dazzled us with the tale of her home's rehabilitation and restoration, which is captured in her recently-published book, Detroit Hustle, and stortytelling attendees wowed us with their funny, incredible, and ingenious stories of home repair.

If you missed April's storytelling event, never fear! We recorded everyone's stories and uploaded them as individual stories, which you can watch below or here on our YouTube channel

Amy Haimerl on Detroit Hustle

An ingenious repair for busted radiators: 

On the importance of giving yourself a break:

How Marsha Music and David Philpot got perspective on their rehab project -- and why they got a puppy!

And the lengths some home rehabbers will go to for a Diet Coke:

Stay tuned to our events page for upcoming storytelling nights and more!

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